How is UVicSpace organized and managed?


UVicSpace consists of different communities based on UVic faculties. These are divided into sub-communities of departments and schools, which may be further subdivided. UVicSpace items, the core of the repository, are grouped into collections within communities or sub-communities.

UVicSpace is managed by the UVicSpace staff, a team of UVic librarians and IT personnel. Librarian Inba Kehoe is the lead for the project. UVicSpace staff also work with UVicSpace community coordinators—individuals within faculties and departments who help define their communities' policies and practices. They serve as additional points of contact for information about UVicSpace and help advocate for the participation of their colleagues.

Communities may also have a collection administrator: someone within the department who facilitates the submission workflow and who may also submit works on behalf of authors. Their roles and responsibilities depend on the needs of the community.

Not all communities have a coordinator and/or collection administrator; neither are required for a community to exist or for you to belong and submit to a community. However, these roles are valuable to the success of communities and UVicSpace as a whole. Contact Inba Kehoe to learn more about them: ikehoe (at) .


  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 250
  • Answered By University of Victoria Libraries

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