Why should I self-archive my works in an institutional repository?


There are several benefits to submitting, or "self-archiving," your works in UVic's institutional repository (UVicSpace). The main advantage to contributing is the wider availability and enhanced findability of your work. More accessibility means expanded visibility: more article downloads, increased citations, and a greater research impact in your field.

People will be able to find your work through Google, Google Scholar and other search engines, then access full text without having to pay a subscription fee or belong to an institution that does. You can search full text of most documents from within UVicSpace, and your articles may also be available faster than they would through traditional publishing alone.

UVicSpace helps you promote yourself, by providing access to your work, to researchers around the world. This global access helps promote collaborative research. More and more, interdisciplinary and collaborative research receives the funds of granting agencies. With greater exposure and open accessibility, preserving scholarly works in UVicSpace facilitates discovery by future colleagues and research partners, both within UVic and from other institutions.

Items in UVicSpace also have permanent links, so no need to worry about broken links. We're also committed to the long-term preservation of certain formats, so your work will be accessible long into the future on a safe and secure server.

Lastly, archiving your works in an open access repository like UVicSpace may be required by your funding agency. UVicSpace provides a venue for easy compliance with such regulations.


  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 129
  • Answered By University of Victoria Libraries

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