What file format can I use when I submit my work to UVicSpace?
UVicSpace accepts files in any format. However, we strongly encourage you to submit files in formats that we fully support. By "supported" we mean we will always ensure the content is readable by migrating the file to new formats in the future if necessary. Though we will always provide access to unsupported formats, we cannot guarantee they will still be useable with the available technology (i.e., obsolete formats with obsolete software/readers).
In general, PDF is the most common—and fully supported—format for documents in UVicSpace. We highly recommend that the PDF is created from a word processing document (Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer, etc.) and not scanned as images so that the full text of the work is searchable. PDFs made from image files will work, however, and the information in the metadata will still be fully searchable (the title, author, keywords, abstract, and so forth).