I want to deposit my work in UVicSpace, but what about copyright and publishers?


To archive items in UVicSpace, you must have the right to distribute it (own the full copyright) or have permission from the copyright holder (typically a publisher if you don't own it yourself). Many publishers allow one or more versions of an author's work to be archived in institutional repositories like UVicSpace. These versions, described below, depend on a publisher's policies (see link below to Sherpa/RoMEO):

  • Pre-print: the author's version of the paper before peer review
  • Post-print: the author's version of the paper after peer review, with revisions made
  • Publisher's version: the formatted version from the publisher, identical to what is produced in their print journal or found in a subscription database

When you deposit an article, publishers may require you to include a block of copyright text or a link to their website. There are sections to cut-and-paste this information when you deposit a work in UVicSpace. Publishers may also have an embargo period, wherein you are barred from archiving an article until a certain period of time after publication (6 months, 12 months, etc.).

Unless the policy says otherwise, fulfilling the publisher conditions is all you need to do to "clear copyright" and have permission; if you follow the guidelines in the policy, you will not need to contact the publisher to submit to UVicSpace.

  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 215
  • Answered By University of Victoria Libraries

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