Where can I find publisher policies relating to copyright and self-archiving?


The SHERPA RoMEO website (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo.php), maintained by the University of Nottingham, provides a comprehensive list of publisher policies for articles. You can search by journal title or by publisher and find the publisher conditions for archiving in UVicSpace. "Institutional website," "employer website," "non-profit server," "non-commercial server," and "open access repository" all fit the definition of UVicSpace.

If a publisher you're interested in is not listed in Sherpa, you can request they add it. You can also contact Inba Kehoe to investigate on your behalf: ikehoe (at) uvic.ca

If you need help interpreting the information found in Sherpa or making sure you can and do fulfill the requirements, don't hesitate to contact us.

Have a book or book chapters you'd like to archive? The policies in Sherpa only refer to journal publications; publisher policies for books and book chapters require alternative inquiry. You can check the publisher's website or your publishing contract, contact them directly, or get in touch with Inba to do it for you.


  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 136
  • Answered By University of Victoria Libraries

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