Can I submit a pre-print to UVicSpace while looking for a publisher?


Great question. Even though UVicSpace is a means of distribution and preservation—not formal publication—some publishers will not accept material that has been previously made available elsewhere. On the other hand, we've had numerous scenarios at UVic wherein students or their advisors were contacted by publishers who wanted to publish, in part or whole, their thesis or dissertation found in UVicSpace, or to have the author be involved in future related writings and research.

Thus: Though you are welcome to archive your scholarly works while seeking traditional publication—and though archiving your works may attract publishers and other scholarly attention—be advised that it may prohibit you from working with some publishers.

Please note: If a publisher policy as found on the SHERPA RoMEO site says it allows the archiving of pre-prints, that is not the same as accepting new article submissions that have been made available elsewhere. "Pre-print" only refers to the specific version of an article that is not yet peer reviewed. It does not imply that "pre-printing" or "pre-distribution" is allowed by the publisher prior to article acceptance.


  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 89
  • Answered By University of Victoria Libraries

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