My research has been accepted for publication. Should I archive it in UVicSpace before its actually published?


If a publisher allows you to, definitely! Sometimes publishers require you to wait 6-12 months or more after publication before you can archive a work to protect their market for journal subscriptions. But if the publisher doesn't require this "embargo," we strongly encourage you to archive a work after being accepted for traditional publication but before the journal issue or book title your work is in comes out.

This is to your advantage due to the lag in conventional publishing. Your article may not be released for several months after final negotiations, and having an open access version available in UVicSpace before the publisher version is circulated gives your research early exposure. This is especially beneficial if your work is time sensitive or a hot topic in your field, helping you be first to stake your claim to a specific research area.


  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 145
  • Answered By University of Victoria Libraries

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