My work contains copyrighted material. Is that a problem if I want to deposit the work in UVicSpace?


Not necessarily.

As with any copying and distribution of copyrighted works, you must have permission to reproduce the copyrighted material that is incorporated within your own work before depositing it in UVicSpace. Examples include photographs, charts and graphs, or substantial portions of text. UVicSpace staff are unable to review your work to alert you of potential copyright violations; authors will be held liable for any copyright violations that occur.

Need help figuring out what you need to do or have questions about copyright in general? Visit UVic's Copyright Office homepage for more information or contact Inba Kehoe, the university's Copyright Officer/Scholarly Communications/Publishing Librarian: 250-472-5017 or copyright (at)

  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 144
  • Answered By University of Victoria Libraries

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