How can I use Wikipedia for research?


Though Wikipedia is convenient for quick lookups, you will need to use academic sources to help you complete your assignments; most UVic instructors do not accept Wikipedia as a cited source.

You may, however, use Wikipedia articles to help give you ideas on where to start:


  • Use the article to determine important keywords -- names, places, events, concepts, and jargon -- associated with your topic, then use those as search terms to look for reference works, library books and journal articles.
  • Look at the References and Further Readings at the end of an article you like, and see if we have those books and journals at the library.
  • Use the External Links at the end to find more information from authoritative web sites (government sites, digital archives, etc.).


If you want Wikipedia-like information from sources you can cite, check out McPherson Library’s extensive reference section on the first floor for encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks and more.  We also have many online encyclopedias and dictionaries.  Oxford Reference Online is a great place to start.


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  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 318
  • Answered By Tina Bebbington

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