How do I cite images?



In general, you need to include the following information in your citation :


  • Name of the artist or creator
  • Title of the image (if there is no title, then use a description)
  • Institution (gallery, museum) where the image is located (if applicable)
  • Medium (digital, acrylic, photograph, etc.) and Measurements (if applicable)
  • Date of access
  • Database or Website name
  • URL


There are different ways to cite images, according to different citation styles (MLA, APA, etc.). Consult the appropriate style guide for more detailed information.  

For instructions on citing online images, check out the guide created by SFU Library.

The UVic History in Art Style Guide and the UVic Department of History Style Guide also contain instructions on citing visual material.

If the image is a map or remote-sensing image (e.g. satellite image), include the term [map] after the title, and the scale if available.  For more information, see the map citation style guides on the Map Library page.




  • Last Updated Jul 08, 2022
  • Views 730
  • Answered By Tina

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