How do I create an E-portfolio PDF?
Adobe Acrobat E-portfolio software is installed on the multimedia iMacs available in the Music & Media Commons in the Library. Music & Media staff are available to help you. Follow these steps.
- Open Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 or higher.
- On the top menu bar click Combine and click Assemble PDF Portfolio.
- At the bottom left, click Add files.
- Select file(s) to add and click Open.
- If you have audio or video files in folders, click Add existing folders.
- Select folder(s) to add and click Open.
- When all files and folders have been added, on the File menu choose Save Portfolio As.
- Type in the file name in the ETD file naming convention Lastname_Firstname_Degree_Copyrightdate.pdf and click Save.
- Close the file.
If you have your own copy of Adobe Acrobat Pro there are instructions on the web: see How to Create a PDF Portfolio