What Victoria, BC Newspapers does the library have?
The library has recently produced a digital version of the British Colonist, 1858-1920.
The library has a variety of local newspapers on microfilm, including:
- Victoria Times 1884- August 1980 (Microforms Accession Number 45)
- Daily Colonist 1858 - August 1980 (Microforms Accession Number 906)
- Times Colonist September 1980 - current. (Microforms Accession Number 814)
The Victoria Times Colonist for recent years is available to UVic students, staff and faculty online via Canadian Newsstand (1993 to current, excluding the most recent 2 days).
Find these and other newspapers in the Main Cat (under books&More Tab), with a Journal Title Search (under Journals tab), or in Databases A-Z or by Subject (Newspapers). You can also view the Newspapers Subject Guide for a complete list of newspapers held in any format.