Where are the journals located in McPherson Library?


We have journals in print and we have journals online.


Print copies of journals:

Journals are interfiled with books in the library, and arranged by call number. Look up each journal title to get the call number and location code.

  • If the location code says McPherson Library, the journal will be interfiled with the books by call number on the 2nd, 3rd or 3rd floor mezzanine.
  • If you see Current issues in Periodicals, then the issues listed under the heading "Recent issues" are located on the main floor in the Reserve Room. Older issues of that journal will be on the 2nd 3rd or 3rd floor mezzanine.
  • Location code = Basement Compact Shelving -- the journal is in the compact shelving area on the lower level
  • Location code = Special Collections, Reserves or Reference -- the specified volumes or issues are found in these areas of the library.

View the floor maps for locations.


Online journals:

As for our online journals, you can find these by searching for the journal title using the journal title tab on the library website.

You can also look at a list of e-journals by title (A-Z) or by subject.


For more help, ask at the Library Help Desk on the main floor.

  • Last Updated Jun 20, 2022
  • Views 194
  • Answered By Tina

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