Do we subscribe to scifinder scholar?
Yes. UVic Libraries does have a subscription to SciFinder Scholar, the online version of Chemical Abstracts. Access is limited to current UVic students and faculty, with a valid Netlink ID and password. Go to
NB: Individual Registration is required for the web version of SciFinder. SciFinder's web-based user registration form allows you to create your own SciFinder username and password. The registration process requires you use an email address ending in After the form is complete, CAS sends an e-mail with the instructions for completing the registration process.
A mobile SciFinder version is also available.
SciFinder Scholar (SFS) provides desktop access to Chemical Abstracts and related databases from CAS. Search more than 8000 journals and patent references (from over 32 patent-issuing organizations). It also includes more than 26 million substance records and CAS Registry Numbers.
Date coverage: 1907-present (articles and patents); 1955-present (substances)