Why does the database give me the citation in English, but when I try to view the PDF it's in Russian (or Spanish or Czech or something else)?


Databases often give citations to books or articles in English, for articles that are published in other languages.   It might say "text in Russian" or something similar, and the journal title might be in a foreign language - those are often your only clues.   As articles are rarely available in translation, here are some things you can do to find related articles:

  • Use the subject headings or keywords assigned to that article to find more like it in English.   
  • Investigate to see if the author of the non-English article has authored anything in English. 
  • Try searching a different database (a more subject specific one is often useful), as each lists citations from different journals. 

If you aren't finding what you need, contact the Help Desk or your subject librarian for assistance. 

  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 105
  • Answered By Tina

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