How do I find a journal if I only have the abbreviation of the title?


If you're looking for a journal title and you only have the abbreviation, there are a couple of tools you can use.

There is a book behind the Library Help Desk called "Periodical Title Abbreviations: By Abbreviation" that's very useful. In it, you look up your abbreviation and it will provide the full title.  The call number is Z6945 A2P4 2005 but you'll find it on the ready reference shelves behind the Research Help Desk. 

You can also use the Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, as long as you search for the journal title abbreviation using quotation marks, for example "J Hist Biol"  If the journal has an official abbreviation, it will be listed in Ulrich's under "additional title details." 

You can also use the ISSN Words in Title Abbreviations database, ISI Web of Knowledge's list of title abbreviations, JournalSeek's list of title abbreviations, which is very good for journals from disciplines other than the sciences.  Some other databases have lists of journal title abbreviations, too.

If you can't figure it out in a reasonable amount of time, consult a librarian at the Library Help Desk!

  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 211
  • Answered By Tina

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