Does the Law Library have a database of Canadian newspapers?


Yes, UVic Libraries offers three databases that you can try:

  1. Canadian Reference Centre, provides full text information from over 100 periodicals like Maclean's, Scientific American and Canadian Geographic.  Additional coverage includes newspapers like The National Post, Toronto Star, Vancouver Sun and USA Today.
  2. Canadian Newsstand, includes leading regional papers such as the Calgary Herald, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen and the Victoria Times Colonist.
  3. Canada's Heritage, has a full digitized pages of the Globe and Mail from 1844 to 2001.

Also, through WestlawCanada there is a database of the Globe and Mail from 1996 to present which is available to law researchers with a personal password, and to all others with the assistance of a research help librarian. See also McPherson library's excellent guide to research in newspapers and popular magazines.

  • Last Updated Jun 27, 2022
  • Views 228
  • Answered By Michael Lines

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