Can you help me find affidavits from a particular court case?


Affidavits can be used to record expert witness evidence and are submitted to the court prior to the commencement of a trial – they are not published commercially by legal publishers.

We do not collect affidavits at the Law Library, but if you are interested in obtaining a specific affidavit, you could try contacting:


1.  The Court Registrar at the Courthouse where the case was heard --> the affidavit(s) will be a part of the case file.  Note: the Court Registrar may charge a fee for duplicating the affidavit document(s).

You will need to know which court decision you are interested in reading. Once you have determined which case decision is relevant to you, the published case decision will provide you with information about the court level and courthouse where the case was heard.




2.  The Law Firm(s) representing the party or parties in the case.  This information will be included in the published decision.


The Priestly Library has a vast collection of case law reporters where you can read the final court decisions for cases.  We can also help you locate secondary sources or commentary written about a case.

  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 241
  • Answered By Michael Lines

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