How do I write case commentary?


Here are some useful books on how to write a case commentary:


Law School Book: Succeeding at Law School by Allan Hutchinson (on Reserve: Call Number KE289 H88 2000) pages 101-103.


Legal Research and Writing by Ted Tjaden (on Reserve: Call Number KE250 T52 2004) pages 268-270.


Scholarly Writing for Law Students by Fajans and Falk (on Reserve: Call Number KF250 F35 2005) pages 8-11.  Appendix A contains a sample casenote.


Lastly, any major Canadian law journal will contain a section devoted to case summaries.  For example look in the Canadian Bar Review online.

  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 5109
  • Answered By Michael Lines

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