I'm a lawyer and I would like to know if I can borrow books from the Law Library and access online articles.


Yes and you have three options to do so:

  1. Anyone can obtain a library card from McPherson Library.  This will allow you to borrow materials from the McPherson and Law Libraries.  
  2. At McPherson any member of the public can also get day-long access to most library resources, including most databases, by asking for a temporary Netlink ID.
  3. At the Law Library we can give borrowing privileges to members of the Law Society of B.C., this is an informal process done at the Law Library's Circulation Desk.  By bringing in a business card and identification we can enter you into the circulation system. 

A research librarian can provide you with information about our online resources. See our research help pages for specifics.

  • Last Updated Nov 02, 2017
  • Views 270
  • Answered By Michael Lines

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