How do I find Municipal bylaws?


Current bylaws are available online for most BC muncipalities and regional districts. You can access them from a municipal or regional district website. The UVIC Libraries maintains a local government web archive.

Contact, directory, and website URLs for muncipalities, regional districts, and other local entities can be found on the CivicINFO BC website.

Historical bylaws are kept by each municipallity. You must contact directly each municipal hall.  

Model bylaws can be found using the library catalogue subject heading search Ordinances, Municipal--British Columbia. 

Zoning maps for BC municipalities are held in the McPherson Library. Search the library catalogue using the name of the municipality and the keyword "zoning".  

The Law Library holds a print collection of Victoria's bylaws (1901 - 1987) shelved on the main floor (Row 5).  

  • Last Updated Jun 20, 2022
  • Views 112
  • Answered By University of Victoria Libraries

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